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ANNÉE 2019



Dr Matthieu Degeiter obtained his PhD from the University of Lorraine (France) where he worked in the ONERA The French Aerospace Lab. He is now working as a SEAM Labex post-doctoral researcher at the LSPM laboratory (UPR 3407) with D. Faurie and U. Salman. His project entitled "Modeling of cracking and buckling in thin films and nanostructures on stretchable substrate". The structuring project MECAMAG aims at optimizing nanometric magnetic systems deposited on flexibles substrates (polymers). The main perpectives concern applications in flexible electronics, such as flexible magnetic fields sensors, flexible magnetic memories and high frequency devices.


ANNÉE 2018


Dr GUEYE Magamou obtained his PhD from the University of Lorraine (France) where he worked in the Institute Jean Lamour. He is now working as a SEAM Labex post-doctoral researcher at the ITODYS ; MPQ ; LSPM and ICMPE laboratory with G. DIRRAS and S. AMMAR. His project entitled "High Entropy Multi-principal Element Alloys
« HEMA »"proposes to prepare and characterize a particular family of alloys, the so-called "with refractory elements Nb, Hf, Ti, Ta and Zr,” to explore different formulations of this family, to elucidate the mechanisms at the origin of the remarkable elasticity and plasticity of these alloys while insisting on their resistance to fatigue and to develop surface modification strategies without altering the mechanical properties, of these alloys to give them new functions (hydrophilicity, chemical stability, low cytotoxicity...).


ANNÉE 2014


Dr Delphine TOULEMON obtained her PhD from the University of Strasbourg (France) where she worked in the Institute of Materials Physics and Chemistry (IPCMS). She is now working as a SEAM Labex post-doctoral researcher at the ITODYS laboratory (UMR 7086) with F. Mammeri. Her project entitled "New strategies of assembly of nanoparticles for the conception of vast magnetic networks" is focused on ferrimagneticnanoparticles synthesis, their functionalization and their organization into coating by self-assembly on different substrates. This project involves the Nanomaterials team from ITODYS, the FINANO team from LSPM (UPR 3407) and the Biofluidics team from MSC (UMR 7057).
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Dr Min Ruan obtained her PhD from the University of Wuhan (China) where she worked on "The Experiments and Theoretical Investigations on the Al-based Superhydrophobic Materialsand Their Anti-Icing Activity". She is now working as a SEAM Labex post-doctoral researcher at the ITODYS laboratory (UMR 7086) with A. Perrier and F. Barbault on the project : "Simulation of aptamer-ligand recognition in biosensors". It is focused on developing multi-scale simulations on biosensors dedicated to the identification and quantification of a trace amount of an enantiomer in a mixture containing its mirror image. This project involves two ITODYS teams : the modeling team (A. Perrier, F. Barbault) and the Biosensors team (V. Noël).
Dr Prasana Swaminathan obtained his PhD from the Indian Institute of Technology of Madras (India) where he worked on “Studies on the effects of Surface radiation and radiation in participating medium on natural convection†. He is now working as a SEAM Labex post-doctoral researcher at the LSPM laboratory (UPR 3407) with A. Gicquel and K. Hassouni on a project included in the thematic : “Modelling : from the molecule to material†. His works involves the development of a complementary module for the plasma code written by K. Hassouni, the final purpose of the project being to simulate the plasma flow of a CH4/H2/o-e B2H6 mixture. The work is realized within a collaboration with Y. Fraignaud at LIMSI (UPR 3251) laboratory and with P. Rivière and A. Soufiani at EM2C (UPR 288).
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Dr Walid Dachraoui obtained his PhD from the EMAT (Electron Microscopy for Material Science), UniversiteidAntwerpen (Belgium), where he worked on « studying local order and octahedral tilting in perovskite-based compounds by Transmission Electron Microscopy  ». He is now working as a SEAM Labex post-doctoral researcher at the MPQ laboratory (UMR 7162) with D. Alloyeau within the PlasMag project funded by the Labex. His work in the project involves performing the structural studies by electron microscopy, and developing the microscopy technique in wet environment on the super TEM.
Dr Oleksandr Stepanenko obtained his PhD from the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis (France), in the LPMC laboratory (UMR 7336).
He is now working as a SEAM Labex post-doctoral researcher in the MPQ laboratory (UMR 7162) with L. Giuseppe within the Dolphin project funded by the Labex. This project is focused on enhancing the fabrication technologies of aluminiumoxides, from the final material optimization to the demonstration of two classes of photonic devices.
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Dr Roberto Fernandez Garcia obtained his first PhD in material science from the UAM-CSIC Madrid (Spain),and his second PhD in nanophotonics from the Imperial College London (United Kingdom). He is now working as a SEAM Labex post-doctoral researcher in the LPL laboratory (UMR 7538) with A. Boudrioua on molecular plasmonics in microcavities. This project is focused on developing new OLED hetero-structures in order to study the implementation of an electrically pumped organic laser.


ANNÉE 2013


Dr. Chunping ZHANG studied at the Institute of technology of Harbin University (China). She obtained her PhD in Materials Science in 2009 owing to her work at the National Key Laboratory of Metal Precision Hot Forming of Harbin University where she studied the microstructure and properties of Ti-Al alloys prepared by sintering. She also has been assistant professor at Heilongjiang University. Since 2011, she has been a post-doctoral researcher at the LSPM laboratory. The project involves improving both mechanical properties and resistance to corrosion of ultrafine grained titanium by using asymmetrical rolling. The two main steps will consist in elaborating the material via a powder metallurgy process and to evaluate the effects of asymmetrical rolling on grain size and material properties. Several teams are involved at LSPM (LSPM : HP-HT (G. Dirras), NINO (F. Schonstein), PACTM (Y. Charles, M. Gaspérini)
Dr. Hasan-al MEHEDI trained at the Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Dhaka, and at the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden and obtained his PhD in 2012 at Institute NÉEL, University Joseph Fourier and cnrs, Grenoble, France with a work on the realization of micro-and nanostructures of diamond by catalytic etching. As a SEAM Labex post-doc he will contribute to nanostructuration of diamond in view of two main applications : the elaboration of photonic crystals and the fabrication of nanopillars containing an NV coloured centre for the production of single photons. This project is developed by V. Mille and colleagues at the LSPM laboratory (PEMA group), together with A. Boudrioua and colleagues at the LPL laboratory


ANNÉE 2012


Dr. Petr S. Sokolov received the PhD from Moscow University (Materials Science Department) where he studied the synthesis of cubic ZnO and its solid solutions at high pressure and high temperature. His SEAM Labex post-doctoral work is devoted to ZnO-based nanostructured materials for the fabrication of optoelectronic devices operating in the blue and ultraviolet spectral regions. However, stabilization of pure rock-salt ZnO at room temperature is still an open question. The major goal of the work is to get more insight into the phase transitions and quenching of nanocrystalline rock-salt ZnO (pure and doped). Dr. Sokolov is working within a joint lspm (V.Solozhenko)-LPL team (L.Museur, A.Kanaev) cooperating with ITODYS (S.Ammar).
Dr. (Ms.) Emek Seyrek first studied in Istanbul (Turkey) then received the PhD from Purdue University (USA). She then worked in Turkey, France and Switzerland and developed an expertise in colloïd science, biophysics, chemistry and chemical engineering. As a SEAM Labex post-doctoral fellow she is : preparing magnetic nanowires displaying fluorescent behavior from maghemite, cobalt ferrite, and biopolymers such as glycoaminoglycans and chitosan. studying the microrheology of cells using nanowires of various architectures and different cell types assessing the cell damages induced by the mechanical movements of the nanowires This research project aims at demonstrating the use of actuated wires to kill tumor cells and is supervised by J-F. Berret at MSC Lab.

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