Laboratoire d’Excellence SEAM | Science and Engineering for Advanced Materials and devices
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Laboratoire d’Excellence SEAM « Science and Engineering for Advanced Materials and devices »

Members of the Scientific Council (in English)
Article published on 5 August 2020
last modification on 7 August 2020
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The role of the Scientific Council is to give an opinion on the main orientations of the Labex’s scientific policy. It also evaluates project proposals with a view to their funding. It is chaired by M. Chaker (INRS-EMT, Canada), members from industry (Thales TRT, SAFRAN and St Gobain), academic experts (mostly from foreign institutions) and the 2 Labex coordinators.

The Scientific Council focuses mainly on project selection (structuring, equipment and PhD projects for international, industrial and structuring projects). It is also devoted to discussions on the Labex’s medium and long-term strategy.


List of members of the SCIENTIFIC COUNCIL



CHAKER Mohamed

President of the SEAM Scientific Council


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BACROIX Brigitte
Research Director at the CNRS; Director of the Labex SEAM
Co-Director of the Labex SEAM

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