Laboratoire d’Excellence SEAM | Science and Engineering for Advanced Materials and devices
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Laboratoire d’Excellence SEAM « Science and Engineering for Advanced Materials and devices »

The SEAM project (in English)
Article published on 5 February 2020
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SEAM researchers are elaborating both nanostructured and bulk materials, both carbon-based and inorganic materials, both functional and structural materials; they develop new synthesis routes and shaping methods; they design new quantum photonic devices and electronic systems; they perform modelling at nanoscale and macroscopic scale. Some of them are international leaders in surface functionalization, photonics, opto-electronics, diamond crystal growth for power-electronics.


Some of the questions the SEAM project is addressing are the following:

  • Electronics

How can we elaborate ultra pure/defect-free diamond single crystals for high power detectors or quantum information, or bipolar devices all in diamond for high power electronics? Scientists (LSMP) in the Labex are worldwide recognized in this field. Can we substitute silicon by organic materials down to the single molecule? Chemists from ITODYS and physicists from MPQ are gather their forces. New molecules, electronic transport across molecules and electrode/molecules interfaces are investigated. Carbon nanotubes are good candidates for molecular electronics. However, their electronic properties and doping are not well mastered yet. Several groups in the Labex (MPQ and LSMP) work together in order to produce advances in this field. In future electronic devices, can we use spin instead of charge as an external parameter? Spintronics was initiated by Albert FERT (French 2007 Physics Nobel Prize laureate). Multiferroïcs could be materials for the future. We work to understand the coupling between magnetic and electric properties in these materials (ITODYS, MPQ). Can we go one step further in molecular electronics by combining spin and molecules? This is the objective of molecular spintronics. Interfaces between molecules and magnetic substrates, poorly understood, are studied jointly by chemists (ITODYS) and physicists (MPQ).

  • Lasers

How can we realize electrically pumped organic lasers? LPL is involved in OLED research to reduce losses occurring in electrodes that limit the current density in the organic materials below 1A/cm2. LSMP, next to LPL, will develop solutions. How can we master the quantum engineering of materials to design new light sources? Light sources in the wavelength domains of far infra-red (IR) or TeraHertz (THz) remain to be developed. Such sources which could be electrically controlled in their integrated semi-conducting version are still lacking. These domains are important for security, environment (detection of pollutants or explosives), telecommunications. The Labex has experts in quantum cascade lasers (Carlo Sirtori at MPQ is a co-inventor of QCLs).

  • Magnetism

How can we increase the high density of magnetic storage together with a reduction of energy consumption inside computers? Nanomagnetism and the overcome of the super paramagnetic limit can lead to the ultimate objective of one bit/one single magnetic particule. The mechanisms of magnetization reversal in small nano-dots remain to be understood and new materials with high magnetic anisotropy energy have to be found. This is adressed by groups at MPQ, ITODYS and lspm.

  • Structural materials

How can we enhance the mechanical properties of materials by optimizing their composition, microstructure and their architecture? Industrial applications in structural materials (LSPM) concerns transportation, aeronautics, energy and civil engineering.
Smart and functional materials
How can we develop new advanced materials such as foams, metallic glasses, nanostructured or meta multi materials for which the structural function is not the single desired one? This will lead to applications in microelectronics and biomaterials. This is addressed by LSPM in collaboration with MSC and ITODYS. How to bring new properties to materials by functionalization ? Functional and/or nanostructured materials are required in several technologically important areas. We develop new approaches and new applications ranging from magnetic, medical, environmental applications to renewable energy sources and smart materials (MSC, MPS, ITODYS).

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