Laboratoire d’Excellence SEAM | Science and Engineering for Advanced Materials and devices
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Laboratoire d’Excellence SEAM « Science and Engineering for Advanced Materials and devices »

Who are we ?
Article published on 5 February 2020
last modification on 7 August 2020
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The " Sience and Engineering for Advanced Materials and devices " (SEAM) Labex (Lab of Excellence) project is focused on material sciences using a multi-scale approach, from material elaboration, characterization, description, integration in specific devices and applications in various fields of technology. Inorganic nono-materials, nanostructured carbon based materials, diamond single crystal and nanostructured materials are processed allowing applications in the field of photonics, electronics, opto-electronics and aeronautics. It was approved in 2010 by a panel of international experts and is funded by the French Government.

Researchers and professors coming from three disciplines (physics, chemistry and engineering) are working together. SEAM is part of the Sorbonne Paris Cité PRES institution (SPC). It involves 5 laboratories located on university campuses :


Paris 13
- LSPM (Laboratoire de Sciences des Procédés et des Matériaux)
- LPL (Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers)
Paris Diderot
- ITODYS (Interfaces, Traitements, Organisation et Dynamique des Systèmes)
- MSC (Matière et Systèmes Complexes)
- MPQ (Matériaux et Phénomènes Quantiques)


All of them are either CNRS units (LSPM), or mixed CNRS-universities units. The 5 laboratories are affiliated to 3 different CNRS Institutes: Engineering and System sciences-INSIS (LSPM, MSC), Chemistry-INC (ITODYS) and Physics-INP (MPQ, LPL). The SEAM consortium is composed of 350 persons including 165 professors and researchers, more than 105 PhD and post-docs coming from all over the world. Internationally recognized research teams and advanced facilities allow conducting high level research.


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